Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm not very good at Blogging yet

I just logged on to see what was happening in the lives of others :) I had a comment on my last post so I looked at it. It was from Deidre, and when I read it I burst out laughing. She was telling me that we've been friends since we were little kids and I spelled her name wrong and needed to fix it... LOL I'm going to have to admit that Shauna had to log in under me and add some stuff for me, because I was at work and couldn't figure it out. Well Shauna spelled her name wrong, not me, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to comment on Deidre's page to tell her this. So I did a new post to let her know :) I did manage to figure out how to change her name on my page though, thank goodness I didn't have to call anybody. You know I consider myself to be pretty computer savvy, but blog spot's been kicking my butt lol

Oh and I also wanted to show you all what my bestest friend Lisa sent me for my birthday and Christmas...

She took a picture of my dogs to a local artist in Jacksonville FL and they put it on canvas and then painted it (as Lisa likes to say "they JAZZED it up") It's a one of a kind :) My Nephew Landon burst out laughing when I opened it on Christmas Morning. My family loves to give me crap about how much I love my puppies. But they're always happy to see me, no matter what kind of mood I am in ;)
Oh and GO UTES. Today at 6:00 It's on


  1. Thanks for the name fix:) Just click on comments at the bottom of each post. Hope that helps, oh, and I've got to show my dad your blog. You know how much he loves your dogs! hahaha

  2. YAY...i'm so glad you started blogging!!! It is a lot more fun than your crazy sisters are on here! (Love you Squire Girls!;)LOL) I'll add you to my list.

  3. OH by the way...I had a hard time figuring it all out at first too, but you'll get the hang of it all!
